March 15, 2014 Cayuga Trip
colorful Bald Eagle - Myers Park, Lansing(looks like 2 year looking at Crossley's)
Myers Park, Lansing, New York
March 15, 2014
Sony Cybershot DSC-HX200V
female Ring-necked Duck - Myers Park, Lansing
Myers Park, Lansing, New York
March 15, 2014
Sony Cybershot DSC-HX200V
White-winged Scoter - River Road near Mud Lock
River Road near Mud Lock, New York
March 15, 2014
Sony Cybershot DSC-HX200V
Tunda Swans in a corn field - north end of Route 318
north end of Route 318, New York
March 15, 2014
Sony Cybershot DSC-HX200V
poor picture - but my FOY Horned Grebe - Mill Pond, Union Springs
Mill Pond, Union Springs, New York
March 15, 2014
Sony Cybershot DSC-HX200V
yet another Muskrat with its den (I assume) - Waterloo Mall Outlet
Waterloo Outlet, Waterloo, New York
March 15, 2014
Sony Cybershot DSC-HX200V
another picture of the same Muskrat - Waterloo Mall Outlet
Waterloo Outlet, Waterloo, New York
March 15, 2014
Sony Cybershot DSC-HX200V
same Muskrat with food - what is the food?
Waterloo Outlet, Waterloo, New York
March 15, 2014
Sony Cybershot DSC-HX200V